Between Shades of Gray
By Ruta Sepetys
Review by Anika
5 out of 5 stars
Lena and her family are taken by Soviets and thrown onto a stuffed train with many people and a horrible smell stinking up the car. They are taken to an unknown place and are made servants to the Soviets. Lena, her mother, and her brother are forced to do work to get tiny rations of food per day. But Lena hasn’t seen her father in ages (Exaggeration) and she needs to find him, he may be the family’s only chance.
I loved this book. It was an amazing book of historical fiction. I would recommend this book to grades 5 and up. This book is a quick read but amazing story and I would highly recommend it. I think that this book is a story of hardship and sadness but overall I love it.
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It is an inspiring story, don't you think? Did you imagine what it would be like to be those people? I'm glad you enjoyed it.