Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"I don't see them!" SOLMC#24

“I don’t see them!!”

We were driving to Utah or something, I don’t really remember where. On the way, mom pointed out some horses. I looked out the window trying to see them but I couldn’t.

“Where are they?” I asked, frantic.

I really never saw the horses when we went on a drive. I always wanted to and everyone else saw them but I didn’t.

I started crying.

“I never see the horsies!!” I sobbed.

“Don’t worry, you’ll see them next time.” Mom assured me.

Tears streamed down my face and I wondered if I would ever see the horses.

Sometime later my mom told me I had to get glasses. I didn’t want them, but... who does?
We went to the glasses store and I picked out a light lavender frame.

Some other road trip…

“Look at the horsies mommy!” I was thrilled, I finally saw the horses.

That is the epic story of me getting my glasses.

So far I have had 3 lavender ones, a pink and black one, another pink and black one and I currently have large black and white ones.

These are my current glasses!


  1. Oh ya! Glasses twins! I like how this was your glasses story :)

  2. I love your story! It's awesome that you finally saw the horses!


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